[VIRTUAL] MasterMind Session 3.0: Taking care of yourself and your team

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 (12:00 PM - 12:40 PM) (EDT)


Research has shown that entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. Entrepreneurship during unsettling and challenging times like these, can even be more lonely but you are NOT alone.

Now more than ever, we believe in coming together and supporting one another.. We invite our community members to join us for a Mastermind Session; a peer-to-peer mentoring session allowing participants to discuss what they want to talk about and receive feedback, input or advice from the rest of the group. This third session will focus on your and your team's well-being, tackling topics like productivity, connectivity, positive thinking/anxiety, creativity, and more. We will discuss everything from how to remain a functioning member of society while working from your living room; as well how to motivate your team to do their best work while also taking care of their mental health.

How does it work?

  1. Set-up: Every participant will get 1 minute to contextualize/explain his or her challenge. 
  2. Group input: The group will get 3 minutes to respond with ideas and best practices.
  3. Facilitator (BelCham) will keep track of time and send a recap with resources and tools.

We request that every participant brings the following to share with the group:

  • One thing that you need help on, are struggling with or want to brainstorm about
  • One action or tool that you are using in response to COVID-19 that you have taken and is working well in your business activities

While your purpose of joining our mastermind session is to help overcome challenges in your own business, it’s just as much about stepping back and helping others. Join to gain AND provide new perspectives. 

Chatham House rules apply. This is a safe zone.


Login Details here: 

Join here via ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/398758224 Meeting ID: 398 758 224

Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) and +32 2 588 4188 (Belgium)

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abDXCOC2GJ

Virtual (ZOOM)
Event Contact
Valerie Van den Keybus
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Wednesday, April 1, 2020 (12:00 PM - 12:40 PM) (EDT)
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