[NEW YORK]: Pitch & Mix - European Pitch Night

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) (EST)


JOIN our upcoming Pitch & Mix event, powered by the bilateral European-American Chambers of Commerce in the U.S.

Some of the hottest European startups will pitch and showcase their latest advances in a variety of fields, sharing how they can shape the future of European innovation. Startup pitches will be followed by an audience vote and a networking reception with tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and investors. 

Participants of the Benelux Catalyst (https://www.beneluxcatalyst.com) will join:

- Foobot is pioneering cleantech building solutions by producing smart AI- powered HVAC systems for cleaner, more productive office air. https://foobot.io

- NGrave is building a suite of complementary hardware and software products to safeguard blockchain assets and allow you to make investments in crypto with peace of mind. https://www.ngrave.io 

- Label R aims to perform ESG due diligence and risk analysis on private equity funds and portfolios so as to promote ethical and sustainable investments. https://www.label-r.com 

- Flenhealth is revolutionizing the treatment of wounds & burns with their innovative bandage systems to accelerate healing using natural ingredients and robust scientific backing. https://flenhealth.com 

About the Benelux Catalyst: 

The BeNeLux Catalyst is a 4-week, no-equity collaborative accelerator program in New York City for startups from Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg working together to kick start their international growth. 


1 New York Plaza Suite 4200
New York, NY 10004 United States
Event Contact
Valerie Van den Keybus
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Wednesday, November 20, 2019 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) (EST)
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